Sunday, April 18, 2010

I've Gone International!

I have no idea how it happened, but I'm now internationally known. It's amazing what social media networking can do. I really owe it to everyone that pertains to this list below for all of their support and fan paging. it really means a lot. I would've never seen myself doing anything like this ever. It's only the start, there's more of Stephanie Lim Photography where that came from:]

To everyone who's supported me throughout the years, i owe you:]

Urban Showcase 2010

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Happy Sweet 16 Michelle!

My sister's turning 16. She's growing up way too fast.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Out and About on a nice day

Wednesday was such a nice day I brought my camera to school. I bumped into Michelle outside of Starbucks and since she didn't want to be stuck in the library on such a nice day, we decided to take a trek around campus. This was the result.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Rock the Runway 2010

CPP BAA in collab with Make a Wish, BEAT, ASA and many others turn Ursa Major into a gathering of fashion/art/music/dance lovers alike.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I got published!

I recently recieved an email from razormonkey magazine, an online based photo/fashion/art mag from venuezuela about their latest issue. a couple of weeks ago they had emailed me about a photo on my flickr that they wanted to use for an upcoming issue. this was the final product. this is the second time i've been published, except the first time was an article on teen eating and i never did keep a copy, which i regret.

seeing this stuff makes me smile, it sometimes makes me feel as though my hobby as a photographer is paying off more than i expected. starting out as an amateur [and still being one] and developing the skill throughout the years has made me happier than ever. its one of the biggest passions in life. holding the camera in my hand and being able to capture a breathtaking moment or the capture of someone's smile makes me smile. i also never thought i would ever be recognized for my work. high school yearbook doesn't count because my photography work was mediocre at best and i want to say it sort of stepped up.

it has also introduced me to so many people that share the same passion i've become great friends with so many of them learning from each other, more me learning than them. one of my residents from last year is actually trying to start a photography club on campus. it looks like its on its way, so there will be more people to meet:]

i also find it weird that i've been approached and asked if i was stephanie lim "THE PHOTOGRAPHER" although, that has a ring to it, i never would have thought that i would ever get that title. i mean, its nothing special, but to have that attached kind of makes me feel weird. another reason being is that i do photography because i love it and i would post my photos, not out of egotistical purposes, but i like seeing them online rather than in a folder on my desktop. others have also enjoyed my work throughout, but i still feel bad for taking over their newsfeeds with my photos.

Another thing i've been finding to become prevalent is my ability to make an income out of this hobby. i started off not wanting to do anything for pay because i didn't want my hobby to turn into a job that i will eventually hate, but lately it's been different. i've started to take on gigs, some paid, some non-paid. last year, friends have asked me to take grad photos for them and headshots. i wasn't aware that my photos were ever that good, but they had donated and gave me something for my work. as i started building my port throughout the year, more people have wanted to work with me and i am completely grateful for that, so i'm starting to pick up business again. i know that i'm not going to get to the point where i only do it for the money. i will make sure of that, otherwise i'd have to find a new hobby. for now, i'm going to focus on making the already beautiful people look just as beautiful through my camera lens and hope that they love my photos.

An additional note, To whoever reads this, please let it be known when you've had enough of my photos or/and if you have any questions, feel free to ask me. i would also like to thank you for your support. it means a lot to me.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

My new collection?

So I'm really considering starting up a new collection. One would either be called "Look Down: Shoes" or another would be LA in Mute. What do you think?

Monday, April 5, 2010

My New Blog!

I've been meaning to make a photo blog for a while. Although I have a Tumblr and a Flickr, I am going to be using this as my blog to post my latest photos.